Saturday, June 5, 2010

Single best moment of last year.

Watching a movie out in the grass on the side of the new performance arts building. It starts to drizzle so we hide under the overhang. Leaving our spot we head behind the building to stumble upon the most beautiful lush green rolling landscape leading up to the building. The rain had left a pastel pallet of pinks and blues in the sky and on the building. We all stand around discussing the composition and lines in awe of what we were seeing. It was probably the single most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. The perfection of the scene combined with the excitment of everyone was so refreshing, that I had the the perfect group of people with me at the time to understand the importance of the moment with was fantastic. A good 10 min was spent studying this building. I never wanted a camera so badly in my entire life. All i had was my camera phone which took the worst image of this but for you guys to understand the beauty of building imma post it anyway.

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