Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

Im starting to have serious feelings about MCC

It has come to my attention that 2 years in a community college may be good for me. A coworker yesterday was telling me how going to MCC for 2 years and then Fisher is going to put him in 40 grand of debt. Then he started talking about his friend at Alfred that is going to have over 100,000 for the 4 years he has been there. I always knew that ide be saveing myself a buttload of money going that route but putting a pricetag on it is makeing me think.

Maybe i should just suck it up for a year or 2.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is why i would never want to be a writer

I have been working on this college essay all day. At this point it is just a pile of ideas that have no type of organization or flow to them. It feels like 4 different beginnings to an essay thrown into 1 confusing paper.

I have read it so many times that i don't even think the individual ideas make sense anymore.

I need to finish it tonight!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Let me tell you a little something.

I HATE scholarship applications.

Frankly the most boring, and strangely enough one of the hardest things i have ever had to write is an essay on how wegmans has helped me form my career goals.

Because here is the thing,

The only goal it has helped me form is to NOT be working at Wegmans.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I got denied from the lunch room today. Bullshit.

Also a new still life is in progress. If it works out nice it might just be the last of my observation stuff for my portfolio!

I got class tonight! Its definatly one of those drawing days for me. =)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

So this is what i have been working on

Finished a mixed media still life piece that i am pretty pleased with. Did a white on black still life thing that I'm not very happy with. If i remember to take pictures tomorrow ill post em.

In other news, i decided that I'm going to start posting a figure drawing image and a sketchbook image of the week.

These are them:

Color pencil worked over a reference photo for "Wired"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Suny aps are in. Transcripts are in.

Heres the list:
  1. Buffalo University
  2. New Paltz
  3. Purchase
  4. Alfred University
  5. MCC

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Feeling pretty shitty today, swollowing is hard due to my sore throat, nose is stuffy and my cough is just the iceing on everything. Im still waiting for the cold medacine to kick in and then i intend on getting some things done.

To Do:
  • Revise research paper>>> email it
  • vacuum bedroom
  • laundry
  • start self portrait

Monday, January 5, 2009

Today during my free

Renee made improvements to her sketchbook.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Cante crayon drawing is done. I worked some on my mixed media project, but nobody else has finished that yet. So it looks to me like I'm up to speed on everything. Next time I'm in at work I'm going to take off an entire weekend to just do my college aps. It needs to get finished ASAP. There just isn't any kind of motivation that i am receiving except to get people off of my back about it.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Figure drawing class #1

LOVED the class. The teacher is really nice, the class is small and the envirment is lovely. Since it was the first class and almost all of us had never drawn a model from life befor we started at the very basics. First thing we did in class was figure out the movement of the model useing line. After that we moved on to adding mass to the stick figure and it amazed me how helpful those starting lines were. I got decent drawings just about done in half the time. For half the class we did demos and about 15 2 min drawings. Then we did 3- 20 min drawings.

These are my 20 min drawings.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I have my first figure drawing class today, i have been excited all week for this and cannot wait to meet the teacher and the other artists in the class. Last night i found out 2 people from my art class are signed up as well. It is pretty neat to have some friends in there but I'd rather not turn the class into a social thing. Also I'm concerned about the one kid's maturity. This is the same kid who was flipping through an art book last year pointing out all the naked people.

Today i also went to the school to talk to Mr. Stephens. I am going to be submitting a portfolio of work for scholastic and he was showing me the 7 pieces he already photographed to be submitted. I need one more piece to complete the portfolio, he said the best choice would probably be a self portrait. So my goal for tonight is to complete my mixed media project so i can get going on that.