Monday, June 7, 2010

Kick off.

So rochester contemporary kicked off their online buying wars this morning at 10am. Alarm was set at 9:40, let the games begin.

I didn't exactly get my choice but I purchased another photograph from the same artist.

The artists name is Dan McCormack, he is from Accord, NY. Which because they do not give out any info prior to buying I didn't know until 30 min ago. Besides that I do no have any information, I will be receiving more with the work when I pick it up.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Taking a break.

I feel I am going in a bad direction with some of these paintings. But here is what the next few days are going to look like. Today I have a 7.5 hour shift, blehhhhh. Ill probably come home to work on some sketchbook shit, or maybe I wont do anything at all. This is because after today I am going to have 4 days off. You would think that would be something to look forward to but lately time off is not what I need. So I am going to have to try very hard to keep myself busy and keep my mind off of stupid shit.

SO here is what's going to happen.

I found out about a collage show at the Rochester contemporary art center that they will soon be taking submissions for. I have never been all that talented when it comes to collage but i figure it is so open ended that even if i just use objects to build up a painting surface I could get away with that. We are allowed to submit 3 so I am thinking I want to have at least 5 to pick from.

I miss the feeling of having my work shown, so this is making me feel all giddy!

Keep working everyone.



Saturday, June 5, 2010

Single best moment of last year.

Watching a movie out in the grass on the side of the new performance arts building. It starts to drizzle so we hide under the overhang. Leaving our spot we head behind the building to stumble upon the most beautiful lush green rolling landscape leading up to the building. The rain had left a pastel pallet of pinks and blues in the sky and on the building. We all stand around discussing the composition and lines in awe of what we were seeing. It was probably the single most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. The perfection of the scene combined with the excitment of everyone was so refreshing, that I had the the perfect group of people with me at the time to understand the importance of the moment with was fantastic. A good 10 min was spent studying this building. I never wanted a camera so badly in my entire life. All i had was my camera phone which took the worst image of this but for you guys to understand the beauty of building imma post it anyway.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Reunited and it feel so good.

Hip hop honors has totally gotten me pumped for this architecture painting again. I have been ignoring it for the past 2 days and been focusing on my sketchbook but i feel it is time to get back on track.

And if i feel myself slipping again I have banksy's movie to get me motivated.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer is here, time to get a collection together.

Morning everyone. Here is the status of my work.

I have 3 paintings completed. All are abstract works made up of geometric figures. Ink on acrylic are used in all.

3 more are in the works right now. 2 I am not crazy about but have potential, they are like the ones I already completed. The 3rd is a graffiti style piece inspired by architecture. I seem to be having trouble with it because it is out of my normal color scheme. But there is HUGE potential. I plan to use paint markers on top of the flat color I have been putting down. It is going to be wild (i think.)

This is the goal: put together a collection of work to be submitted to a Toronto school.

Have a good day everyone



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Reflecting on the year and anticipating the future.

It has been a while. Too long. My first year at Alfred was an overall bad and good experience. First semester was hard for me, not because of the classes but because I found myself alone amongst a group of new people. Days were spent doing homework and watching netflix, while nights were spent on the computer, chatting away. The problem wasn’t that I was not making any kind of connection with anyone, but that I just didn’t care to take that any further. I robbed myself of any type of college experience. And all of this would have been fine if i was working in the mean time but that wasn’t the case. I did extremely well in my classes, but the importance of that seems to lesson as I reflect on it.

Not to say the entire semester was a waste of time, I set myself high among the pack in my classes, showing everyone what I got. I also found a love for architecture. As my final project for my painting studio we had to incorporate architecture into a painting that extended out of a 32x40 piece of paper. My painting I can say with confidence was one of the best in the class. From then on my assignments reflected in this concept.

Second semester is when things really picked up and I started enjoying Alfred. I found myself with a small group of friends and I spent less time in the dorm. As the weather improved I spent more time outdoors, exploring the campus, and spent more time in the studios. Outside of my group I had other people I started to hang out with and bond, and even managed to hit up a few parties at the end of the year. The grades did slip a little but it was well worth it.

At the end of the year I had bittersweet feelings about leaving. Now that I has having fun if was unfortunate to go, but with the anticipation of a friend coming home and getting away from my horrible roommate I was pumped for the summer.

And now that summer is here I want to go back, I miss having everything I need being within walking distance, i miss the people I have met, having assignments to do and kicking ass in classes. The summer has so far been lonely, but fairly productive. Besides a 5 hour shift a few times a week I spend most of my days in my room, painting and thinking. This normally would be difficult to deal with but with the loss of a very good friend it has made this even harder on me.

But with this loss I am now open to a stronger connection with the people I have neglected. I have been hanging out and talking with friends from high school that I never saw outside of a class setting before. I am extremely optimistic for the future. Thinking time has been shifting into a new focus, which is myself and figuring out who I really am. This next year is when it is all going to come together, I can feel it. I am going to finally polish off the person I have been working towards being. In order to get to this I plan to fall out of love with others and fall back in love with myself. Over 2 years ago I was more independent than anyone I knew, and I cannot wait to get back to that place. I can see myself becoming more confident than ever and honing in on this architectural painting thing.

Right now I feel I am nowhere near that place. But this is MY time and with that I am going to get my shit together, move the fuck on and leave my first year of school behind me. The journey is far from over but I can see a light.

Finally there has been something on my mind lately, something that after a small harmless discussion with a friend has really been making me think a lot about. That something is Toronto. I decided NOT to apply to RIT for junior year becaue I think where I really want to be instead is Toronto. I want to establish myself there now so that after college I can stay. Only time can really tell what these next three years will be like. But whatever may happen I am so pumped for.

I am happy to be back people.



Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lots has happened

I have moved in. I have started class. And atm we are setting up a wordpress blog

Nothing up yet...

Here is the link: